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If you don't know where you are how can you plan to get to your destination?


Through over 10 years of research we have mapped where over 3000 businesses are on their growth journey and where the pitfalls ("Chasms") of potential failure or stagnation lie ahead. The results reveal that most companies are on a much lower trajectory than traditional models suggest. This has a profound impact on how to plan and allocate resources.

Find out more about our "Triple Chasm" model & "Maturity Mapping".


Once you know where you are you can plan how to move forward on your commercialisation journey.


Our "Vector Toolkit" identifies 12 internal and external Vectors that will shape and give momentum to your direction of travel. Understanding which Vectors you can influence, and which you can't, will mean you can efficiently allocate your resources to the most profitable and sustainable effect.

The Vectors selected for focus will be dependent on where your business lies on the Maturity Map.


Great plans need great implementation.


Cartezia will inform, train and coach you and your teams on the action plans developed from the Vector toolkit. What's more we can advise on how to modify plans in the face of data feedback and changing economic landscapes.

No journey is without it's challenges but we are here to help if required every step of the way, helping you avoid one of the three "Chasms" which swallow up or stall most businesses.


Results. Results. Results.


Every business is judged by performance and the feedback loop of data which we put in place will help ensure you stay on track. Knowing what to measure and when to measure it is central to our consultancy.

Using this objective data will help test, inform and refine your business instincts to keep you on track.

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We have a wealth of knowledge to guide and advise how to commercialise and scale your business sustainably. Whether you are a start-up or an established business we help you avoid, or get out of, one of the "Chasms" which eventually swallow up 92% of all start-ups.


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Many large corporates come to us to critique their growth plans and discuss appropriate resource allocation, particularly relevant in these challenging times of global uncertainty.

We offer strategic advice, training and coaching to help you on your journey. 


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Our huge experience in start-ups in the tech sectors means we provide sound strategic advice for investors on their investment plans. Our help ranges from priority setting for new investments to trouble shooing & problem solving for existing ones.


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Governments & agencies

Cartezia has an established international reputation for working alongside government departments and agencies to assist with policy development and sustainable resource decisions to set up or expand investment in numerous tech business sectors. 


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© 2024 Cartezia

Registered in England

Company Number: 5671361
VAT Number: 891 186 5 93

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